Chart of Accounts . . . Combining Accounts

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Product support for the Creative Solutions Accounting platform ended on September 30, 2020.

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For a multi-department or multi-location client, you need to set up combining accounts that the application can use as a place to accumulate (and from which to report) consolidated totals.

When the Setup > Chart of Accounts window is active, choose Enter Combining Accounts from the Edit menu or from the F3 or right-click context menu.


  • Account numbers for combining accounts will be the core account number (the C or A or #) positions in the Chart of Accounts mask. Do not include the location or department numbers (the L or D positions in the Chart of Accounts mask).
  • You must be in Browse mode (rather than Add or Edit mode) to access any of the options or dialogs that are available from the Edit menu or the right-click context menu when the Chart of Accounts window is active.

See also: CSA Guide to Working with Location/Department Clients (PDF)

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