Formula [Edit menu] (Financial Statement Editor)

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As an alternative to selecting an account group from the Amounts field of the Row Properties box, you can enter a formula. As elements of the formula you may choose account groups , single accounts, periods, storage amounts, additional amounts, locations, departments, manually entered amounts, and/or amounts from a column, row, or cell. For certain elements, you may choose to specify the period, year, and amount type.

From the Financial Statement Editor window and under the following conditions, choose Edit > Formula or press F5:

  • In Row mode: When the mouse pointer is in the Amounts field, and the row type is Accounts, Totals, or Storage Name.
  • In Cell mode: From the Contents or Period field in the properties box when a column, cell, or group of cells is currently selected.

To construct a formula, first choose the type of element that you wish to include in the formula by clicking the appropriate option. (Note that the options available for selection depend on the type of cell or row that is currently selected.) Next, in the list-pane in the center of the Formula dialog, highlight the appropriate item and then click the operator that you would like to follow that item. If applicable, you may specify the period, year, and amount type before clicking the operator. When you have selected the last element of the formula, click the = button and then click OK to save the record and close the dialog.

If you select an individual cell (rather than an entire row), you must define a valid formula for that cell (in the Contents field), along with a default period indicator and amount type. If you do not, no data will print on the statement.

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