Transaction Entry . . . Enter Future Period Transactions

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Product support for the Creative Solutions Accounting platform ended on September 30, 2020.

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The Edit > Enter Future Period Transactions command allows you to enter transactions for a future period in the current fiscal year.

When the Transactions window is active, choose Edit > Enter Future Period Transactions. When the Select Period dialog opens, select the period from the drop-down list. Note that only future periods within the current fiscal year are available for selection.

The current period is March, and you would like to enter transactions for June (assuming you have chosen monthly periods while setting up the client). When the Transactions window is active, choose Edit > Enter Future Period Transactions, select 6/30/xx and click OK. Notice that the future period for which you are entering transactions is displayed at the top of the Transactions window, next to the Journal field. You can immediately begin entering transactions just as you would for the current period. If you have any transaction(s) already entered for June, those transactions are displayed.

When you have finished entering transactions for the future period, be sure that transactions are in balance by choosing Edit > Balance Entry. Once the transactions are in balance, choose Edit > Stop adding future period transactions. When you advance the period to June, the transactions you entered will appear in the Transactions window.

To enter or exit Future Period Transactions mode, your transactions must be in balance.

The program does not allow you to enter future-period transactions when you are in the last period of the year.

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