Financial Statement Analysis [Utilities menu, Diagnostics] (Financial Statement Editor)

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The Utilities > Diagnostics > Financial Statement Analysis command first collects information about the selected financial statement and then displays that information in the Preview window. The Financial Statement Analysis report provides information about the statement properties and about the row and cell properties for each section in the financial statement.

You may print the report by choosing Print from the right-click context menu.

Statement Properties

The following information is listed and described in the Statement Properties section of the Financial Statement Analysis report:

  • Statement type
  • Orientation
  • Paper size
  • Margins
  • Page layout
  • Rounding options selected


Header, Body, and Footer

The header, body, and footer sections of the Financial Statement Analysis report list the properties for each row based on the row type. Listed below are some of the properties included in these sections of the Financial Statement Analysis report:

  • Row type (A * next to a row signifies that the row is included in a conditional expression; an (H) next to a row or cell means the row or column is hidden or not visible within the Financial Statement Editor.)
  • Description
  • Text
  • Period
  • Amount type

Note: The properties that are displayed for each row vary depending on the row type. For example, the sort order, print account #, print zero balances, and the change sign properties will be displayed for an Accounts Row but not for a Description Row.

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