Importing batch handwritten payroll checks from a spreadsheet

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myPay Solutions Direct enables you to import data for a batch of after-the-fact payroll checks from a spreadsheet.

Be sure that the spreadsheet is closed and remains closed during the import process.

Be sure that the spreadsheet is not password protected.

  1. Choose Actions > Enter Batch Handwritten Payroll Checks.
  2. Select Spreadsheet in the Input type field. The application automatically opens the Enter Batch Handwritten Payroll Checks dialog.
  3. In the Check Details section, specify the check date and period beginning and ending dates.
  4. If necessary, select a different frequency and/or bank account.
  5. Click Next to open the Spreadsheet Import wizard.
  6. Browse to the spreadsheet with the payroll check data and select the appropriate worksheet, and then click Next.
  7. If you saved mapping information from a prior import as a mapping template, that template will be included in the drop-down list in the Template field. If applicable, select the appropriate template. If you do not have an appropriate template, you can add a new template or map the columns manually.
    1. If the spreadsheet includes column headings or other rows of data that should not be imported, mark the checkbox in the Omit row column for that row. The application will not validate or import data in that row.
    2. For each column in the grid, click the column heading, and then select the applicable mapping item from the drop-down list in the Column <x> field above the grid.
      Mapping item Additional info Additional info 2 Required?
      Employee ID Yes
      Employee Name --
      Location Yes

      Department name/number

      Yes, only when departments are in use
      Pay item <Item>
      (includes all pay items set up for the client)
      Regular hours
      OT hours
      DT hours
      Pay item override amount
      Deduction item <Item>
      (includes all deduction items set up for the client)
      Tax item <Item>
      (includes all tax items set up for the client)
      Check # --


      • In the Column Mappings screen, the first mapped column must be Employee ID for the mapping to be successful.
      • By default, none of the columns are mapped. The application will not import any columns that are labeled as Not Used.
      • To modify data in the grid, click within a cell and enter the desired text or amount directly.
      • If an employee pay rate in the spreadsheet is different than the rate that exists for the employee in the application, the import will update the employee record and the new rate will be used for that employee's current and future payroll checks.
  8. Click Next to begin the import.
  9. The Import Diagnostics screen displays a list of the information that will be imported from the spreadsheet and the analysis results for the data. If necessary, you can click the Back button to make changes to any of the mapping and options screens. To print a list of the diagnostic messages, click the Print button.
  10. When you are satisfied with the data that will be imported, click the Finish button.

Sample spreadsheet file

The following sample spreadsheet file is available for you to download and review. The sample spreadsheet is set up with commonly used columns and some sample data. You can modify the formatting, column, and data to fit your needs.

Download the sample spreadsheet file.

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