Searching and filtering data

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You can search and filter lists in almost every setup and data-entry screen throughout the application. By using the search and/or filter feature, you can reduce the size of data lists, making it easier to find the data you are looking for.

Searching data lists

The Search field is located in the upper-left corner of most setup and data-entry screens.

To search a list in the active screen, enter an alphanumeric search string in the Search field and press ENTER or click the Location button button.

To clear the search results and restore the complete data list, click the Delete2 button button next to the Search field.


  • You can click the button in the Search field to display a context menu with various search options.
    • You can apply search criteria from a recent search by choosing Recent Searches and then selecting the desired recent search.
    • If you entered a search string in the Search field, you can choose a search method — Exact, Contains, or Ends with — for the application to use when searching for that string.
    • You can specify which fields to search by choosing Search Fields and then marking the checkbox for each field to include in the search. Click outside the list to close it.
    • You can clear all your selections by choosing Restore Defaults.
  • When you enter a search string in the Search field for a particular screen, the application retains the value in the field until you enter a new value, clear the value, or close and then reopen the application.

Filtering data lists

The list of items included in the drop-down list for the Filter field depends on the active screen or dialog. The list includes some of the fields in the active screen as well as any filters that were created and saved in the Filters dialog for the active screen.

Follow these steps to filter the list of items displayed in a data list.

  1. Click the Filter button button next to the Search field.
  2. The application displays the Filter field. Select the applicable filter criteria.
  3. The application displays the Method field. Select the applicable method.
  4. If the application displays additional fields after you select the method, enter or select the applicable data.

Note: When you select a filter, the application retains the values in the filter fields until you manually change the filter selection, clear the filter (by clicking the Delete2 button button in the Filter field), or close and then reopen the application.

Saving a filter

The list of items included in the drop-down list for the Filter field depends on the active screen or dialog. The list includes some of the fields in the active screen as well as any filters created in the Filters dialog.

To create a filter for the active screen, follow these steps.

  1. Open the data-entry screen for which you want to create the filter.
  2. Click the Filter button button to open the Filter field.
  3. Open the Filters dialog using either of the following methods.
    • Enter a unique filter name in the Filter field and press TAB. When prompted to create the new filter, click Yes.
    • Right-click in the Filter field and choose Add <data-entry item> Filter from the context menu.
  4. In the Filters dialog, enter the filter name and then specify up to six different filter criteria.
  5. Choose the matching logic to use — Must match all criteria (must meet all of the selected criteria to be included in the list) or Must match one or more criteria (must match at least one of the criteria to be included in the list).
  6. Click Enter to save the filter.
  7. You can click the Add button in the Filters dialog to create additional filters.
  8. Click Done to return to the data-entry screen. The application automatically selects the newly created filter, but you can select a different filter if desired.

Note: All of the filters that were saved for this criteria are included at the bottom of Filter drop-down lists in the following locations.

  • Setup and data-entry screens
  • File > Print Reports screen

Modifying or deleting a saved filter

You can modify the criteria information for any saved filter or delete any saved filter.

  1. Open the data-entry screen for which you want to modify the filter.
  2. Click the Filter button button to open the Filter field.
  3. Select the filter to modify or delete. All of your saved filters are listed at the bottom of the drop-down list in the Filter field.
  4. Right-click in the Filter field and choose Edit <data-entry item> Filter to modify the filter, or choose Delete <data-entry item> Filter to delete the filter.
  5. In the Filters dialog, modify or delete the applicable filters, and then click Done to return to the data-entry window.

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