Client Options dialog

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The Client Options dialog enables you to verify the application to which you will export data, to specify details to include in the export file, and to update the references for each type of entry for that specific client.

Choose File > Export > Transactions and click the Client Options button next to the appropriate client in the Client Selection grid.


  • When client transaction data is modified for the client in either the Payroll Information tab of the Clients screen, or the Client Options dialog, those changes are automatically updated in both areas of the application.
  • The application enables you to export payroll and vendor transaction data from the application in a generic file format (IIF) that is readable by QuickBooks Pro.

Fields & buttons

  • Format. In the Export to program drop-down list, select the application to which you want to export transactions for this client.
  • File Details. This section contains many of the same options found in the Payroll Journal Entry Export section of the Setup > Clients > Payroll Information tab. Any changes you make in this section will be reflected in the Payroll Information tab and vice versa.
    • Details to include. Mark the checkboxes next to the types of transactions to include in the export file.

      Note: The option to export in either detail or summary format depends on the type of transaction you are exporting.

      • If you are exporting payroll checks, specify whether you want the files to be exported in detail or summary format.
      • If you are exporting vendor payments, the transactions will always be exported in detail format and include each vendor transaction in the selected date range as an individual check, each using the reference numbers associated with that check.
    • References. Specify a reference to be used for payroll checks or impounded liabilities as appropriate.

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