Time Clock Import dialog

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In the Time Clock Import dialog, specify the import filename (such as *.XML or *.TCI), the folder location, and (for an ASCII file type) the payroll period date, and then click the Import button to continue the import process.

You can import salaried employee information using the Time Clock import. To create checks for salaried employees via the Time Clock import, the employee ID and the corresponding payroll item must be included in the time clock file. The hours fields are optional for salaried employees.

Time Clock import files must be named xxxxx.TCI (ASCII formatted files) or xxxxx.XML (XML formatted files), where xxxxx is the desired file name. If you are importing a SwipeClock file, you will need to manually change the TXT file extension to TCI prior to import.

Choose Actions > Enter Time and select a client that uses a time clock application for payroll entry. Select the appropriate schedule from the Payroll Schedule field to open the Time Clock Import dialog.

Fields & buttons

  • Filename. Specify the import filename (such as *.XML or *.TCI).
  • Directory. Browse to or enter the folder location where the (supported) time clock import file has been saved.
  • XML File Import or ASCII File Import. Click the appropriate option (XML File Import or ASCII File Import) to designate the type of file to be imported.
  • Import button. Click the Import button to open another dialog where you can view or specify the rates to use for pay items and also view or print the details of the import file.

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