Report Designer: Save As / Restore Default

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Workpapers CS has several standard reports, financial statements, and letters. These can all be used in creating new reports, financial statements, and letters or customizing them to your needs by using the Save As feature. If a standard report, financial statement or letter has been modified and should be in its original format then use the Restore Default feature.

If your firm has modified the predefined version of a report, the application will not overwrite your existing report with an updated version. If this is the case, you will need to make the necessary changes to your customized report manually, or you will need to restore the latest predefined version using restore default.

Save As

  1. Choose File > Report Designer.
  2. Double-click the report, financial statement, or letter for which you are creating a duplicate.
  3. Choose File > Save As and enter a new name for the report, financial statement, or letter.
  4. The Report Designer will then automatically open the new document for you to begin editing in a new tab.

Restore Default

Right-click on the report, financial statement or letter you wish to restore and select Restore Default.

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