Report Designer: Edit > Page Setup Defaults dialog

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Use the Page Setup Defaults dialog to specify default values that flow to the File > Page Setup dialog when you create any new reports, financial statements, or letters. Note that the Page Setup Defaults dialog will not affect the Page Setup dialog options for any existing reports, financial statements, or letters.

Note: You do not need to have a report open in the Report Designer to specify default values for reports.

In the Report Designer, choose Edit > Page Setup Defaults.

Tabbed pages in this dialog

Select the paper size, margin settings, orientation (portrait or landscape), centering position on page, and paper source.

Note: The option to adjust the top margin after the header and the center on page options are unavailable for letters.

Choose how you want the header and footer to print.

For details about setting options on a per-report basis on the Report tab of the File > Page Setup dialog see, File > Page Setup dialog.

Choose to print and customize a watermark to print on your reports.

Choose to add standard or custom borders in reports. You can select a border style (None, Box, Shadow, or Custom border), line style, line width, and set margins for the border.

Choose None to remove all borders in reports, or you can click the various border buttons (top, bottom, left, or right) in the Preview section. You can view the border selections in the Preview pane and then click OK to apply and save those changes.

Choose formatting options for the Header, Body, and Footer sections of your reports, financial statements, and letters.

Note: Changes that you make in the Design Grid tab apply to new reports, but can also be used in existing reports, when you create new regions, rows, or columns. For example, the default row heights, column widths, and font settings are used when you insert a new region, row, or column.

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