Data Sharing between Practice CS and UltraTax CS isn't working

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There could be several reasons why Data Sharing isn't working with UltraTax CS and Practice CS.


There is setup required in order for Data Sharing to function. See the Setup section of UltraTax CS and Practice CS Integration Central for specific instructions, depending on what kind of data is being sent to and from Practice CS.

Prior years of UltraTax CS

Data sharing between Practice CS and UltraTax CS works only for the current year, the previous year, and the next year of UltraTax CS, and is based on the system date on your computer (in terms of the tax processing year). 

Proforma'd clients

If you've recently proforma'd clients from a previous year into UltraTax CS, you might not get prompted to Data Share demographic information from Practice CS. This is because the client information you just proforma'd into UltraTax CS is now considered newer than what is in Practice CS. 


  1. Open Practice CS and go to Setup, then System Configuration. 
  2. Select File Locations. 
  3. Delete the path in the Practice CS data path.
  4. Click OK. 
  5. Go back to Setup, System Configuration, File Locations. 
  6. Re-enter the path you just deleted in the Practice CS data path.
  7. Click OK. 

Practice CS will rebuild the files and it's data will now be considered the most recent, which should prompt Data Sharing when you open a client in UltraTax CS.

Data Sharing name fields

Data sharing a taxpayer's or business' name from Practice CS, UltraTax CS 1065, or UltraTax CS 1120 into UltraTax CS 1040 won't update if you've already entered the name into the 1040 client. The name fields will only update if the name field is empty. This prevents inadvertent name changes with prefix, suffix, and middle initial differences.

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