Errors: Read-only or Access denied error in CSCABSV.dll

Alerts and notices


When you're installing or updating FileCabinet CS, you may see a message saying that access is denied or that access to the CSCABSV.dll file is read-only. This file allows FileCabinet CS to integrate with other applications.

Error messages

Access is denied

CSCABSV.dll file is read-only


  1. Verify that no one has any CS Professional Suite or Microsoft Office applications open and then attempt the installation/update again. (These applications may hold the cscabsv.dll file open, which means FileCabinet CS cannot update the file.)
  2. If no one has any CS Professional Suite or Microsoft Office applications open, your IT professional should look for server locks that may be holding the cscabsv.dll file open and remove the locks. A server or workstation reboot may be necessary.

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