Enabling associations for personal property tax returns

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This topic summarizes the different ways that PPT associations can be enabled. Once enabled, PPT associations appear in blue in the Asset Detail dialog.

In UltraTax CS (if licensed), open the desired client and add a state PPT return to the client. This will enable all PPT associations for that state.

In Fixed Assets CS or UltraTax CS (if licensed), open the Asset List window for the desired client / activity, choose Setup > Associations, and do one of the following:

  • To enable all PPT associations, click the Enable button and click OK. This will activate all state PPT associations for any state that is assigned to an asset or activity, marked in Setup > Situses, or marked in Setup > Treatments.
  • To enable individual PPT associations, mark the checkbox for each PPT association that you want to enable and click OK.

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Reassigning assets to a different activity, situs, or association

Entering asset data for UltraTax CS personal property tax returns

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