Features of the Fixed Assets Inventory module

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See also: Inventory processing sequence

Note: The Fixed Assets Inventory module is licensed separately from Fixed Assets CS.

  • Transfers asset data, including association lists, from Fixed Assets CS.
  • Provides the ability to customize which assets are included in the inventory by situs, business activity, asset associations, cost, disposal method, and many other associations. (For example, you can set up an inventory for all computer equipment that costs $500 or more, in a particular location.)
  • Allows you to choose up to 125 items to track and update for each asset.
  • Allows you to acquire images that you can associate with an asset or assets.
  • Includes four worksheets that you can use to conduct a physical inventory.
  • Accommodates asset trades and exchanges.
  • Provides the ability to use RS-232 (serial) and POS-compliant barcode scanners.
  • Provides the ability to reconcile a collection of assets to the Fixed Assets CS asset list.
  • Provides the ability to mark a collection of assets as reviewed.
  • Provides the ability to reconcile physical inventory worksheets back to the asset list.
  • When you finalize an inventory, transfers asset changes, additions, and disposals that occurred during the physical inventory to the Fixed Assets CS asset list.

Additional features

Data entry


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Internal only

Support: The separate license needed to access the Inventory Module is named DINVNAME.DAT.

  • You first need to verify if the firm is licensed for the Inventory module in Flash or EMS. If they are, have the user download their licenses. If the firm encounters issues downloading their licenses, you can download the firm's license, rename their DWNAME.DAT to DINVNAME.DAT, and then email the license file you created to the firm.

    Never walk an external user through renaming their DWNAME.DAT license. This is to be completed internally only if a firm is having problems with downloading their licenses.

  • If the firm is not licensed for the Inventory module, you will need to submit an EMS Help Desk ticket so that the license can be made available to the firm through CS Connect. If the firm does not license the Inventory Module and is interested in doing so please transfer the user to Sales (x751363).