Fixed Assets CS: Deleting Client Locks and User Locks in Windows Explorer

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The following message is displayed when opening a client; however, the client is not open and/or the user is not working in the program.

  • Cannot open client XXXXX: The depreciation client is network locked out by user: XXX, OR

  • Client XXXXX is networked locked.

To delete a User Lock in Windows Explorer, follow the instructions below.

  1. Right-click the Start button, and select Explore.
  2. Navigate to X:\WinCSI\DeprSys\UID, where X is the drive letter where Fixed Assets CS is installed.
  3. Highlight the lock you want to delete, and press DELETE on your keyboard.
  4. When prompted, click Yes to confirm the deletion.

To delete a Client Lock in Windows Explorer, follow the instructions below.

  1. Right-click your Start button, and select Explore.
  2. Navigate to X:\WinCSI\DeprData\$DEPCID, where X is the drive letter where Fixed Assets CS is installed.
  3. Highlight the lock you want to delete, and press DELETE on your keyboard. Note that all open clients will appear here.
  4. When prompted, click Yes to confirm the deletion.

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