Edit fillable PDF document in Onvio Client Center

Your clients will now be able to edit a fillable a PDF document, including Client Organizer in Onvio Client Center. Their data will be saved automatically, and both your staff and the client can view edits in real time. These changes will enhance your client’s experience using your firm, including saving them time and enjoying a similar document user experience like your staff when viewing and filling documents.

Follow these steps – Staff:

  1. Log-in to Onvio Center.
  2. Open Onvio Documents -> Client Documents -> Select a client.
  3. Select the client shared folder and upload fillable PDF document(s).
  4. Review client filled PDF document(s).

Follow these steps – Client:

  1. Log-in to Onvio Client Center.
  2. Open Documents -> Select Folder where fillable PDF document(s) are available.
  3. Fill out the fillable PDF document(s). The data will be saved automatically.

  • Staff and clients can see each of their edits in real time without the need to refresh the page.
  • Download and Send options are available under Manage menu dropdown.
  • Annotations and comments are disabled. Clients will not be able to see your staff’s annotations and comments that are added on the PDF document.

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