Calculations for sec 168(k) / bonus depreciation qualified assets

Automatic calculation as qualified assets

The application automatically calculates the following:

  • 30% bonus for assets placed in service between 9/11/01 and 5/5/03
  • 50% bonus for assets placed in service between 5/6/03 and 12/31/04
  • 50% bonus for assets placed in service between 8/28/05 and 12/31/07 and marked as located in the GO Zone
  • 50% bonus for assets placed in service between 1/1/08 and 9/8/10
  • 100% bonus for assets placed in service between 9/9/10 and 12/31/11
  • 50% bonus for assets placed in service between 1/1/12 and 12/31/17
  • 40% bonus for assets placed in service between 1/1/18 and 12/31/18
  • 30% bonus for assets placed in service between 1/1/19 and 12/31/19
  • 100% bonus for assets placed in service between 9/28/17 and 12/31/22

…if the qualified assets depreciate as follows:

  • Depreciated over 20 years or less using any MACRS method (except MACRS 150% ADS Life or MACRS SL).
  • Amortized with 167 - Computer software selected in the Amortization section field in the asset's Other tab.

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