1041 IRS filing deadlines & electronic filing information

This article provides electronic filing opening day information and information about relevant due dates for fiduciary returns.

  • For filing deadlines and other information related to 1041 electronic filing, refer to IRS Publication 4163, Modernized e-File (MeF) Information for Authorized IRS e-file Providers for Business Returns.
  • We recommend that preparers transmit electronic files to Thomson Reuters at least one hour before the filing deadline.
  • The IRS considers returns that are re-filed electronically during the applicable time frame to be timely-filed returns.
  • The grace period starts at the time of the rejection and is never extended for weekends, holidays, or end-of-the-year cutoff.



1/25/18 You can begin electronically filing 1041 federal tax returns using Onvio Tax. You'll be able to electronically file 1041 extensions and 1041 state returns with an upcoming release.


Due date for timely-filed calendar-year-end 1041 returns and Form 7004 extensions for Form 1041.

Note: You will have 10 calendar days after the initial date on which a Form 1041 electronic file is transmitted to receive approval on a rejection. You will have 5 calendar days after the initial date on which a Form 7004 extension electronic file is transmitted to receive approval on a rejected extension. 

4/22/18 Last day for retransmission of rejected timely-filed 1041 returns and Form 7004 extensions for Form 1041.
4/27/18 Last day for retransmission of rejected timely-filed 1041 returns.

Due date for transmission of calendar-year-end 1041 returns on extension.

Note: You will have 10 calendar days after the initial date on which a Form 1041 electronic file is transmitted to receive approval on a rejection.

10/11/18 Last day for retransmission of rejected timely-filed 1041 returns on extension.

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