Department of Labor (DOL) 5500 filing deadlines & electronic filing information

This article provides electronic filing opening day information and information about relevant due dates for 5500 returns.


  • There is no limit for the grace period on a rejected 5500 return, but you should resubmit the return as soon as possible.
  • Technically, the return is filed and posted on the DOL website, even if the status of the return is rejected.
Date Event
1/01/18 EFAST begins accepting Form 5500 and Form 5500-SF electronic returns.
7/31/18 Due date for timely-filed calendar-year-end Form 5500 returns and Form 5558 extensions for Form 5500 and Form 8955-SA.
9/15/18 Due date for timely-filed calendar-year-end Form 5500 returns who are filing as a Direct Filing Entity (DFE).
10/15/18 Due date for transmission of calendar-year-end Form 5500 returns on extension

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