Adding top-level personal or shared File Exchange folders

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You can add a File Exchange folder to a client’s portal that they can use to upload documents to your firm. You can also create personal and shared File Exchange folders and give individual users or groups of users access to the folders. All NetClient CS users can upload files to personal File Exchange folders. If you give NetClient CS users full access to shared File Exchange folders, they can upload files to, delete files from, and delete subfolders from those folders.

Note: Your firm administrator and NetStaff CS users who have access to both File Exchange and NetClient CS administration can upload files to shared and personal folders through their NetStaff CS user portals.

  1. In the Admin tab of the navigation pane, do one of the following.
    • To give individual NetClient CS users access to the folder, click the Users link in the NetClient CS section.
    • To give groups of NetClient CS users access to the folder, click the Groups link in the NetClient CS section.

    Note: If you don’t see these items, you don’t have access to these areas.

  2. In the Users or Groups list, click a user or group that will have access to the new folder. The information for the user or group displays on the right.


    • To locate a specific user, enter any part of the user’s name or login in the Find field.
    • To locate a specific group, enter any part of the group name in the Find field.
    • Delete the entry from the Find field to view the full list of users or groups.
  3. In the Permissions section, click the Enable button for File Exchange.
  4. In the Folder Types list, click Personal or Shared. (View detailed information about folder types.)
    Folder type Temporary or permanent Description Notes
    File Transfer Temporary; NetFirm CS deletes the files and folders after 30 days. NetFirm CS creates file transfer folders when you send documents to clients or to contacts through Practice CS. Firms that are licensed for NetClient CS and the Client Management module of Practice CS can transfer files securely through Practice CS. For more information, see the Practice CS topic File transfers overview.
    Personal Either; the NetFirm CS administrator determines whether the folder is temporary or permanent. If the folder is temporary, NetFirm CS deletes files after 14 days.

    NetClient CS users can upload files to personal folders. Each NetClient CS user can see only the files he uploaded.

    You can give NetStaff CS users access to NetClient CS users’ personal File Exchange folders. NetStaff CS users can view all files in any folder to which they have access.

    NetStaff CS users who have access to personal File Exchange folders through File Exchange permissions can view files in and upload files to personal File Exchange folders. To do this, choose the NetClient CS user’s name from the File Exchange View field at the top of the File Exchange screen in the NetStaff CS user portal.

    You can also give NetStaff CS users permission to view client portals through NetFirm CS administration.

    Private Permanent NetClient CS users can see only the files they uploaded. NetClient CS users can add and delete subfolders and files in the Private folder.
    Shared Either; the NetFirm CS administrator determines whether the folder is temporary or permanent. If the folder is temporary, NetFirm CS deletes files after 14 days.

    When you allow NetClient CS users to view shared folders, they can view all files in the folders. You choose whether NetClient CS users can also upload files to, delete files from, and delete subfolders from shared folders.

    NetStaff CS users who have access to shared File Exchange folders can upload files to and delete files from the folders.

    NetStaff CS users who have access to shared File Exchange folders through File Exchange permissions can view files in, upload files to, and delete files from shared File Exchange folders. To do this, choose the NetClient CS user’s name from the File Exchange View field at the top of the File Exchange screen.

    You can also give NetStaff CS users permission to view clients’ portals as the user.

  5. In the Available Folders pane, click the Add Folder button.
  6. Enter the name of the folder in the Folder Name field.
  7. If the files in the new folder should not be deleted automatically after 14 days, click the Yes option.
  8. Click the Create button.

Related topics

File Exchange administration overview

Modifying a NetClient CS user’s access to File Exchange folders

Modifying a group’s access to File Exchange folders

Uploading files to a NetClient CS user’s personal or shared File Exchange folders

Deleting File Exchange files or folders from a NetClient CS user’s portal

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