Adding Digita NetClient groups

After you create a group, you can add Digita NetClient users to the group and then give the group access to folders and modules.

  1. In the Admin tab of the navigation pane, click the Groups link in the Digita NetClient section.

    Note: If you don’t see this link, you don’t have access to this area.

  2. Click the Add button at the bottom of the Groups list.
  3. In the Identification section on the right, enter a name and description for the group.
  4. Press ENTER.
  5. In the Permissions section, click the Enable button for a module that members of this group will need to access.
  6. A permissions dialog opens. Click the name of the module below to learn about the permissions settings.

    The rest of the steps vary depending on the type of folder you want to allow the group to access.

    Note: To view detailed information about folder types, see File Exchange administration.

    Type of folder Steps
    1. With Personal selected in the Folder Types list, mark the Full checkbox for each folder that the group members need to access.

      Tip: Enter any part of the folder name in the Find field to find a folder.


      • Digita NetClient users can view files in, upload files to, delete folders from, and delete subfolders from personal folders to which you grant them access. As a result, only the checkboxes in the Full column are available.
      • To create a folder from within this dialog, click the Add Folder button.
    2. Click Enter.
    1. In the Folder Types list, click Private.
    2. Mark the Full checkbox to give group members access to the Private folder.
    3. Click Enter.
    1. In the Folder Types list, click Shared.
    2. Mark the Read checkbox for each folder in which group members will need to view and print files. Mark the Full checkbox for each folder to which group members will also need to upload files.

      Note: To give group members access to a folder that you have not yet created, create the folder now.


      • Clear the Read and Full checkboxes for each folder that group members no longer need to access.
      • Enter any part of the folder name in the Find field to locate a specific folder.
    3. Click Enter.
    1. Mark the Read checkbox for any module that group members need to access.


      • Enter any part of the News module name in the Find field to locate a News module.
      • Click the Unselected button to display in the module list only the News modules to which the group members do not have access. Click the Selected button to display in the module list only the News modules to which the group members have access.
    2. Click Enter.
  7. In the Group Members section, mark the checkbox for each user who needs access to the modules that you enabled for this group.


    • To find a user, enter any part of a user's name or login in the Find field.
    • Under Filter Options, click the Unselected button to display only the users who are not members of the group. Click the Selected button to display only the users who are group members.
  8. Click Enter.

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Digita NetClient groups

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