Mobile device inaccessible: Generating a temporary login code

When a user cannot log in using multi-factor authentication — such as when the user lost their phone, got a new tablet, or otherwise cannot access the Thomson Reuters Authenticator app — administrative users can generate a temporary, 24-hour numerical code to enable the user to log in.

Note: The firm administrator can contact our Support team to have a code generated.

To generate a code, follow these steps.

  1. Log in to your Digita NetStaff account.
  2. In the Admin tab of the navigation pane, do one of the following.
    • Click the Users link in the Digita NetClient section to generate a code for a client.
    • Click the Users link in the Digita NetStaff section to generate a code for a staff member.

    Note: If you don't see these links, you don't have access to these areas.

  3. Select the user.
  4. In the Identification section, click the View Settings button next to Multi-factor Authentication.
  5. In the dialog that opens, click the link to generate a temporary, 24-hour numerical code.
  6. Provide the code to the user. They can use this code by clicking the Enter a code link on the application login screen.

While you have an active temporary code, disconnecting your paired mobile device does not automatically disable multi-factor authentication for your account. If you disconnected your mobile device after receiving a temporary code, you can still access your applications via the following methods.

  • If multi-factor authentication is optional for your firm, access your applications with the temporary code until it expires. This keeps the addtional security of multi-factor authentication in place until you can register a new device . If you do not register a new device, multi-factor authentication is disabled once the temporary code expires.
  • If multi-factor authentication is required for your firm, access your applications with the temporary code until it expires. This keeps the addtional security of multi-factor authentication in place until you can register a new device. After the temporary code expires, you will be required to register a new device before accessing your applications.

Temporary codes expire 24 hours after they are generated.

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