Viewing File Exchange activity

The File Exchange Activity report provides details about when users uploaded, viewed, and deleted files during the previous three-month period. It also specifies which users have renamed folders within File Exchange.

  1. In the Admin tab of the navigation pane, click the Reports link in the Utilities section.

    Note: If you don’t see this link, you don’t have access to this area.

  2. In the Reports list, select File Exchange Activity.
  3. To find specific information in the report, do the following.
    • In the Find field, enter any part of a login, name, type of user, file name, folder, IP address, or action (uploaded, viewed, and so on) to narrow the report.
    • To select a different date range, enter the desired dates in the From and To fields or select dates from the calendars.
    • Click a column heading to sort the report by the entries in that column.
  4. Optional: Under Report Options, click the Customize button to remove columns from or add columns to the report. To change the types of users that are included in the report, click User Types in the Available Columns pane and mark and clear checkboxes in the Additional Detail pane on the right. When you’re done, click Enter.


  • To export the report to a spreadsheet application, click the Download a spreadsheet of this report button to create a CSV file of the report.
  • To save or print the report, click the Download a PDF of this report button.
  • To refresh the report, click the Refresh button.

Related topic: Digita NetFirm reports

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