Creating Links modules

Complete these steps to add Links modules for DT Client Portal or DT Staff Portal users.

  1. In the Admin tab of the navigation pane, do one of the following.
    • Click the Links link in the DT Client Portal section to add a Links module for clients.
    • Click the Links link in the DT Staff Portal section to add a Links module for staff.

    Note: If you don’t see these links, you don’t have access to these areas.

  2. Click the Add button at the bottom of the Links Modules list.

    Note: If your firm has not yet added any Links modules, skip this step.

  3. In the Add Links module screen, enter the module name and description.
  4. DT Staff Portal Links modules only: Designate the Links module as public or private.
    • Public: You must assign a group or user as the editor through module permissions.
    • Private: Each user controls the content of the module in his or her portal.
  5. Click the Enter button.

    Note: If you added a private DT Staff Portal Links module, you are done. For DT Client Portal Links modules and public DT Staff Portal modules, complete the following steps.

  6. Click the Add Link button.
  7. In the Add Link dialog, enter a name for the link.
  8. From the Link Type field, select the appropriate type (HTTP, HTTPS, or FTP).
  9. In the Link Location field, enter the website address. DT Firm Portal enters the appropriate type in this field based on the choice you made in the previous step.
  10. Optional: Enter a link description.
  11. Click Enter.

Related topic: Links administration

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