Adding or editing images in news articles

You can insert a URL for an image to link to and image from a news article.

Note: You must have permission from the owner to use any copyrighted image or file in your website. Examples of images for which you already have legal permission include original images that you or your firm created, stock photography images that your firm purchased, and clip art from CDs for which you are a licensed user.

  1. If you haven't already done so, upload the image to your website.
  2. In the Admin tab of the navigation pane, do one of the following.
    • Click the News link in the DT Client Portal section to add or edit a News module for clients.
    • Click the News link in the DT Staff Portal section to add or edit a News module for staff.

    Note: If you don't see these links, you don't have access to these areas.

  3. If you haven't added any News modules, add one now.
  4. Click the Add Article button to add a news article, or click the Edit link for an article.
  5. Click the Insert/Edit Image Insert/Edit Image button button and complete the fields as outlined below.
    Field Description
    Image URL Enter the location of the image.
    Image description Optional: Enter a description of the image.
    Alignment Choose the desired alignment.
    Dimensions The application enters the dimensions of the image in these fields (width by height). If you modify these dimensions, be sure to maintain the aspect ratio so you donâ??t distort the image.
    Border Enter a 1 in this field to insert a 1 pt, black border around the image. Enter a larger number to insert a thicker border.
    Vertical space Enter a number to insert space above the image. Enter a larger number to insert more space.
    Horizontal space Enter a number to insert space to the left and to the right of the image. Enter a larger number to insert more space.
  6. Click Enter.

Tip: To make changes to the image, click the image to select it, and then click the Insert/Edit Image button.

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News administration

Editing or deleting News modules or articles

Creating News modules

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