DT Firm Portal portal activity reports

DT Firm Portal reports can help you manage client portals and staff portals, determine when users last changed their passwords, and more.

DT Staff Portal administrators and DT Staff Portal users who have access to the Utilities tab have the ability to run the following reports. To access these reports, click Admin, then Reports in the Utilities section.

To learn about a report, see the related topic.

Report Related topic
Active User Sessions Determining which users are logged in to their portals
File Exchange Activity Viewing File Exchange activity
Linked Users Determining which portals are linked
Login History Viewing a history of portal logins
DT Client Portal Modules Determining which users have access to each module
DT Staff Portal Modules

Determining which users have access to each module

Determining which client portals a staff member can view

Password Reset History Determining when users last changed their passwords
Terms and Conditions Determining which users accepted the terms and conditions
User Accounts Viewing the history of client portals and staff portals

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Internal only

Firms cannot export any NetFirm reports over 1000 records.  Enter a SNOW ticket for the TRTA Platform Analysts and they can export the report.  They will provide the report to the support rep to give to the firm.