Printing IRS forms

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  1. Choose File > Print Forms to open the Print Forms dialog.
  2. In the 1040-ES tab, select the alternative and year from the corresponding drop-down lists.
  3. Do one of the following.

    • To print to a printer, mark the Printer checkbox.

      Note: Click the Printer button to choose a different printer.

    • To print copies of the forms to FileCabinet CS (if you are licensed for it and have it installed), mark the FileCabinet CS checkbox. Then, with the FileCabinet CS checkbox marked, select a year from the Folder Year field to specify the folder year to which plan data is printed into FileCabinet CS.

  4. In the Copies field in the Options group box, enter the number of copies of the reports you could like to print.
  5. To preview the forms, click the Preview button. Or, to print the selected items, click the Print button.


  • If the Printer checkbox is not marked and the FileCabinet CS checkbox is marked, the Print button becomes the To Cabinet button. Click this button to store images of the forms in FileCabinet CS.
  • The taxpayer and spouse name, address, and Social Security number transfer to the printed Form 1040-ES from the File > Plan Information dialog.
  • For Form 1040-ES, the federal payment amounts transfer to the printed form from the 1st - 4th ES Payments fields located in the Payment > Federal Pmts tab.

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