Exporting clients to other applications

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Use the Export Clients screen to export clients to FileCabinet CS, Toolbox CS, or to a standalone XML file.

Note: You must be licensed for FileCabinet CS or Toolbox CS to export clients to that application.

  1. Choose File > Export > Clients.
  2. Mark one or more of the checkboxes to select a destination for the exported clients:
    • FileCabinet CS — Mark this checkbox to export clients to FileCabinet CS. If you have more than one FileCabinet CS data location set up, select a location from the drop-down list. Exporting clients to FileCabinet CS creates a new drawer for each exported client.

      To create a Practice CS folder in each new FileCabinet CS client drawer, mark the Create a Practice CS folder in FileCabinet CS Clients checkbox. This checkbox is available only if you have marked the FileCabinet CS checkbox.

    • ToolBox CS — Mark this checkbox to export clients to ToolBox CS. Exporting to ToolBox CS creates an XML file in the specified file location. The default location for ToolBox CS client exports is the \ToolBox CSData folder (typically, C:\WINCSI\ToolBox CSData). To choose a different export folder, click the More Ellipse button button and navigate to the folder.

      For ToolBox CS, this process creates an export file called PRA2TBX.XML within the data folder that you specify. You can then import the XML file into ToolBox CS. For additional information, open the ToolBox CS help, click the Search button, and search on Importing a client list.

    • Other — Mark this checkbox to export clients to a standalone XML file. Click the More Ellipse button button and navigate to the folder where you want to save the XML file.

    Note: If you’re running Practice CS through Virtual Office CS or Software as a Service (SaaS), you can navigate to files on your local network.

  3. Mark the checkbox for each client you want to export. To select all clients, right-click the list and choose Select All from the context menu.

    To choose a specific set of clients to export, select a filter from the drop-down list in the Filter field. To create a custom filter using criteria that you specify, click the More Ellipse button button.

    Note: To remove an applied filter, click the remove filter Red X button.

  4. Click the Export Selected button to export the clients to the selected application(s) and/or to an XML file.

    Note: This button is available only if you have marked the checkbox for at least one client.

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