GoFileRoom index mapping

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You can print documents such as reports, invoices, statements, letters, and labels from Practice CS to GoFileRoom. Before you can send documents to GoFileRoom, you must first map your GoFileRoom indexes to database fields in Practice CS. Use the GoFileRoom Configuration dialog to select which Practice CS database fields correspond to which GoFileRoom indexes.

An index is specific information that you enter about a document in GoFileRoom so that you can quickly and efficiently search for and retrieve the document.

To access the GoFileRoom Configuration dialog, choose Setup > System Configuration > GoFileRoom > Index Mapping.


  • If you do not see this menu command, you may need to install the Adobe Acrobat Add-In available from GoFileRoom. To access the add-in, click the Add-Ins link on the GoFileRoom Welcome page, and follow the instructions provided.
  • The indexes on the Reports tab will be used when printing reports to GoFileRoom. The indexes on the Invoices & Statements tab will be used when printing invoices or statements to GoFileRoom.

Click the following items for information on the various fields and buttons on this dialog.

This drop-down list shows the drawers that are set up in GoFileRoom. These drawers are specific to your firm.

This column, which is read-only, shows the dynamic index fields that are set up in GoFileRoom. The indexes shown are associated with the drawer you have selected and are unique to your firm.

Selecting one of the following Index Value Types determines what is available in the Value field:

  • Practice CS Field: When selected, the Value field contains dynamic variables from Practice CS (such as Client ID, Client Name 1, Firm Name, Firm Current Period End Date, and so on) in the drop-down list.
  • Client Custom Field: When selected, the Value field contains Practice CS client custom fields in the drop-down list.
  • GoFileRoom Index List Item: When selected, the Value field contains the list values from GoFileRoom for that item.
  • Text: When selected, you can type any text (up to 50 characters) in the Value field.

The values available to select from the drop-down list depend on the Index Value Type you have selected.

If the value you have selected is a date, select a date format from the drop-down list (for example, M/d/yyyy).

When this checkbox is marked, the Print to GoFileRoom indexing dialog will open for each report selected. The options you selected in the GoFileRoom Configuration dialog will be filled in automatically, but you will have the ability to change the indexes, if necessary.

If this checkbox is not marked, all reports will print to the indexes selected here.

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