CS Payment FAQs

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This topic contains frequently asked questions (FAQs) about CS Payment.

To create a CS Payment Account see: Setting up a CS Payment Account.

Note: CS Payment accounts require Internet Explorer 11 or newer.

CS Payment Accounts cannot be deleted at this time.

A CS Payment account is stored in the firm's NetFirm CS portal as a User Account with User Type: CS Payment.

You cannot convert a CS Payment Account into a NetStaff CS type account.

To change CS Payment account information:

  1. Go to Setup > Firm > Billing and A/R tab.
  2. Click on Set up CS Payment Account link.
  3. Enter CS Payment Account credentials and choose Login.
  4. Select My Account tab.
  5. Change the desired information and click Save.

CS Payment allows you to save Credit Card and Bank Account Numbers for clients so they do not have to be entered each time a client makes a credit card or ACH payment. These numbers are stored in CS Payment, organized by firm, not CS Payment Account or NetStaff login. All authorized CS Payment users in a firm can access the full list of saved Credit Card and Bank Account Numbers for entering payments and for adding or deleting them. See: How to setup ACH and credit card information.

Note: For security purposes, only the last four digits of a credit card or account number are displayed in the CS Payment window.

To restrict a Netstaff User from accessing CS Payment do one of the following:

  • Restrict access within the Practice CS program with firm security. Restrict access to Setup > Firm in the security group(s) to which staff that should not access CS Payment are assigned.
  • Restrict access to the Practice CS program through Vitural Office or SAAS. For more information on allowing access to a program in Virtual Office or SAAS, see: Enabling NetStaff CS users to work in the Virtual Office CS or SaaS environment.

Data processed within Thomson Reuters, CS Payment, and Kotapay (formerly InterceptEFT) is PCI compliant.

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