Error: Outlook is unable to process your request

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You may receive the following error message in Practice CS when trying to access Microsoft Outlook related information on Virtual Office.

Error message

Unknown file copy error. Outlook is unable to process your request. Outlook has failed due to an internal error. This Outlook feature is not available.

As a result of the above error, you may also receive the following error when opening Microsoft Outlook on Virtual Office:

Error message

Cannot start Microsoft Office Outlook. Unable to open the Outlook window. The set folders could not be opened. The server is not available. Contact your administration if this condition persists.


The above errors are caused by the Outlook.pst file being locked for editing due to another application accessing the file or an application crash leaving the PST file open, preventing the application from accessing it again.


To resolve this error, do the following:

  1. Close all Virtual Office CS applications.
  2. Log off NetStaff CS portal.
  3. Log back into NetStaff CS portal.
  4. Re-open Practice CS and retry operation.

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Internal only

If the above steps do not resolve the error, try the following:

  1. Have the user close out of all Virtual Office applications.
  2. Re-name Outlook keyfile or restore it from a backup.
  3. Have the user open Practice CS and Outlook.

If the error still persists, contact the Web Services CF to disconnect the appropriate file for you. You will need to provide the following to the CF:

  1. Full error message.
  2. User Hash ID for the user experiencing the issue. The Hash ID can be found in the error message.