Interaction Listing report

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Note: This report is available only if your firm is licensed for the Client Management module.

The Interaction Listing report is a Client Management report that enables you to view all interactions entered into Practice CS, grouped or sorted as needed. For example, you may want to group interactions by client so you can trace the communications between your firm and its clients.

To view and print the Interaction Listing report, choose File > Print Reports. In the Print Reports screen, click Interaction Listing in the available reports pane and click the Select button.

This report includes the following information for the date range that you specify:

  • Type: The type of interaction, such as note, phone call, phone message, or email
  • Source: The source of the interaction, such as Practice CS or Outlook
  • Date/Time: Date and time information for the interaction
  • Contact: The contact with whom the interaction took place
  • Of: The client or entity with whom the contact is associated, if applicable
  • Staff: The staff member who conducted the interaction
  • Subject: A brief description of the subject of the interaction, written by the staff member who entered it into Practice CS
  • Comment: Detailed text of the interaction that the staff member entered in Practice CS

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