Staff Assigned Summary report

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Note: This report is available only if you are licensed for the Staff Management module.

The Staff Assigned Summary report shows staff target work hours, assigned work hours, remaining hours, and work load for the specified date range. Mark the Include Schedule Item Detail checkbox on the Layout tab to see the priority, status, and start and complete dates for each schedule item that makes up the assigned hours for the staff member.

To view and print the Staff Assigned Summary report, choose File > Print Reports. In the Print Reports screen, click Staff Assigned Summary in the Staff Management section of the list of reports, and then click the Select button.

Note: The assigned work hours column also includes assigned hours for projects with a past due date. For example, if you run the report for 4/1 through 4/30 of the current year but you have projects that are past due from the previous year, the assigned hours for those projects will still show on this report.

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