Practice CS user bulletins

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User bulletins provide information about enhancements, changes, and special issues related to Practice CS.

Note: You must have Adobe Reader version X or higher installed to view or print user bulletins. If you don’t have the current version or if you have problems opening user bulletins, you can download and install the latest version of the Reader from the Adobe Reader page of the Adobe website.

Current version

The current version of Practice CS is v.2023.2.3.

View the most recent user bulletin

The following link opens the most recent user bulletin for Practice CS. Note that not all releases include user bulletins.

Practice CS v.2023.2.3 Update (6/3/24)

Practice CS v.2023.2.0 Update (11/17/23)

Practice CS v.2022.2.0 Update (11/28/22)

Practice CS v.2021.3.1 Update (9/21/22)

Practice CS v.2021.3.0 Update (11/15/21)

UB 8669 Practice CS v.2020.2.0 Update (10/18/20)

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