Entering a final bill without WIP

An adjustment entry enables you to bill a client when no work-in-process (WIP) has been entered and none will be entered in the future for an invoice. The adjustment entry records a billing transaction and also creates a positive WIP adjustment for the amount of the billing. The result of this process is that accounts receivable is recorded for the client, but without the need for current (or future) WIP.

To create an adjustment entry as a means of entering a final bill without WIP, follow these steps.

  1. Choose Actions > Billing and select the client whom you would like to bill.

    Note: If zero-balance clients are not displayed, unmark the Positive WIP and Negative WIP checkboxes.

  2. Click the Detail Bill Selected button.
  3. On either the Summary tab or the Time & Expenses tab, right-click and choose Add Adjustment Entry.
  4. In the Adjustment Entries dialog, fill in the Engagement, Project (if applicable), Activity, Staff, and Amount fields, and click OK. The values entered will be used to record the billing and WIP adjustment transactions for firm management purposes. In other words, the staff member and activity entered will receive the allocation / credit for the billing and adjustments.
  5. If you will be printing an invoice, click the Compose tab to edit the text that will be displayed on the invoice.
  6. Click Save to save the invoice.

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