Printing invoices and statements and sending them via email

Generate your invoices and statements for the period in the Print Invoices & Statements screen. From this screen, you can print any posted invoices to a variety of outputs, send invoices and statements to clients via email, filter the list of invoices or statements to print only those that meet your criteria, and override a client’s default statement format.

  1. Choose File > Print Invoices & Statements.
  2. Click the Invoices tab or the Statements tab.
  3. Mark the checkbox next to each invoice or statement you want to print.


    • Right-click and choose Select All to quickly select all invoices or statements in the grid.
    • Use the Filter field to narrow the list of invoices or statements. See Filtering your data for information about creating custom filters.
    • Mark the Unprinted only checkbox to see only the invoices that have not been printed.
  4. You can further define the statements you want to print.
    • In the Statement date field, select the date for the statement. If you select Custom, enter the date in the additional field.
    • In the Statement activity date range fields, select beginning and ending dates to specify the A/R detail information that appears in the ledger section of the statement. A/R items dated prior to the range will be shown as a beginning balance.
    • To override the default statement format, select a different format from the Format override field. The drop-down list contains all of the firm’s statement formats.
    • Click the Options button for additional ways to include or exclude clients based on their balances and/or invoices during the activity range.
  5. To print directly from the Print Invoices & Statements screen, click the Print Selected button.

    Note: If you want to preview an invoice or statement before printing, click the Preview Selected button. In the Preview window, choose File > Print.

  6. In the Print dialog, you can print the invoice or statement to one or more of the following outputs:
    Output Print options
    Output to printer Mark this checkbox to send the invoice or statement to the default printer for your workstation, or select a different printer from the drop-down list.
    • Print Labels: Mark this checkbox to print labels in the selected format for the selected clients. This checkbox is available only when the Output to printer checkbox is marked.
    • Print Letters: Mark this checkbox to print letters in the selected format to the selected printer. This checkbox is available only when the Output to printer checkbox is marked.
    Output to Digita FileCabinet If you are licensed for Digita FileCabinet, mark this checkbox to send the invoice or statement to Digita FileCabinet when you print, and then select the appropriate filing option ( Current Year End, Current Period End, or Report Date). If the client does not yet have a folder set up in Digita FileCabinet, Digita Practice Advanced will create a folder with the same name as the client’s Digita Practice Advanced client ID. To create a link to the printed invoice in Digita FileCabinet, mark the Create Invoice Link to Digita FileCabinet Document checkbox.
    Output to file Print to a file (*.pdf, *.html, *.rtf, *.txt, *.tif, or *.xls) that is saved in the folder that you specify in the field provided. To create a link to the output file, mark the Create Invoice Link to File checkbox.
    Output to
    Print the invoice or statement as a specific file type, and then send the file to the client as an email attachment. The client whose email address is listed on the Contact Info tab of the Clients setup screen will receive the message. The subject line of the message is "[Invoice/Statement] from [name of your firm]." The From line will show the Outlook email address of the staff member who is printing the invoice or statement. The message will include the text "Please find [invoice/statement] #[number] from [name of firm] attached to this email."
    Save e-mails to Drafts folder (do not send) Mark this checkbox to save email messages to a Drafts folder for editing.
    Output to Digita NetClient If your firm is licensed for Digita NetClient, mark this checkbox to print the selected invoice to the client’s portal.

    Note: This checkbox is available only if you mark the Enable printing invoices to Digita NetClient checkbox on the Billing and A/R tab of the Firm setup screen.

  7. Click OK to print the invoice or statement to your selected outputs.
  8. Click the Back Back button button on the toolbar to exit the preview screen.

For information on setting invoice dates before printing, see Editing multiple invoices.

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