Invoice Journal report

The Invoice Journal report provides a list of the invoices and their components (invoice number, date, amount, surcharges, taxes, and so on) that have been entered into the application for a specified date range. This report also shows unapproved and unposted invoices.

To view and print the Invoice Journal report:

  • Choose File > Print Reports. In the Print Reports screen, click Invoice Journal in the available reports pane and then click the Select button. Or,
  • In the Billing screen (Actions > Billing), click the Review tab. On the Review tab, click the Journal button. You can also click the arrow on the Journal button to select any custom report that is based on the Invoice Journal report and set options for the selected report.

Note: When you open the Invoice Journal report by clicking the Journal button on the Review tab, the report contains only the information shown on the Review tab. When you access the report from the Print Reports screen, standard print options (such as date range and groupings) are available.

Important security note


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