List reports

List reports allow you to print a simple hardcopy list of any groupings you have set up in the application.

Note: The names of these groupings are firm terminology variables. Your firm might use a different term for some or all of these groupings. To view the default terms for these groupings, choose Help > Enable Default Terminology.

To view and print a List report, choose File > Print Reports. In the Print Reports screen, click one of the reports under Lists in the available reports pane and then click the Select button.

Available List reports include:

  • Activities
  • Activity Categories
  • Client Groupings

    Important security note

    When you enable security privileges for a report on the Security Groups setup screen, Digita Practice Advanced may also enable privileges to view the data available on the report. Conversely, removing privileges for viewing data may also remove privileges for related reports. Consult the Privileges changed pane on the Security Groups setup screen to see all privilege changes that are triggered by enabling access to a report.

    For this report, if no privileges are already enabled for the following security option(s), full privileges will be enabled.

    • Menu > Setup Menu > Clients > View

    If your firm has multiple offices, you may want to rescind privileges to information for other offices. See More about security privileges for additional information on the relationships between various security privileges.


  • Client / Engagement Listing

    Important security note

    When you enable security privileges for a report on the Security Groups setup screen, Digita Practice Advanced may also enable privileges to view the data available on the report. Conversely, removing privileges for viewing data may also remove privileges for related reports. Consult the Privileges changed pane on the Security Groups setup screen to see all privilege changes that are triggered by enabling access to a report.

    For this report, if no privileges are already enabled for the following security option(s), full privileges will be enabled.

    • Menu > Setup Menu > Clients > View

    If your firm has multiple offices, you may want to rescind privileges to information for other offices. See More about security privileges for additional information on the relationships between various security privileges.


  • Clients

    Important security note

    When you enable security privileges for a report on the Security Groups setup screen, Digita Practice Advanced may also enable privileges to view the data available on the report. Conversely, removing privileges for viewing data may also remove privileges for related reports. Consult the Privileges changed pane on the Security Groups setup screen to see all privilege changes that are triggered by enabling access to a report.

    For this report, if no privileges are already enabled for the following security option(s), full privileges will be enabled.

    • Menu > Setup Menu > Clients > View

    If your firm has multiple offices, you may want to rescind privileges to information for other offices. See More about security privileges for additional information on the relationships between various security privileges.


  • Contacts
  • Departments
  • Engagement Categories
  • Engagement Templates
  • Entities
  • Staff Billing Rates

    Important security note

    When you enable security privileges for a report on the Security Groups setup screen, Digita Practice Advanced may also enable privileges to view the data available on the report. Conversely, removing privileges for viewing data may also remove privileges for related reports. Consult the Privileges changed pane on the Security Groups setup screen to see all privilege changes that are triggered by enabling access to a report.

    For this report, if no privileges are already enabled for the following security option(s), full privileges will be enabled.

    • Data > Time & Expense Entries > Review

    If your firm has multiple offices, you may want to rescind privileges to information for other offices. See More about security privileges for additional information on the relationships between various security privileges.


  • Staff Groupings

    Important security note

    When you enable security privileges for a report on the Security Groups setup screen, Digita Practice Advanced may also enable privileges to view the data available on the report. Conversely, removing privileges for viewing data may also remove privileges for related reports. Consult the Privileges changed pane on the Security Groups setup screen to see all privilege changes that are triggered by enabling access to a report.

    For this report, if no privileges are already enabled for the following security option(s), full privileges will be enabled.

    • Menu > Setup Menu > Staff > View

    If your firm has multiple offices, you may want to rescind privileges to information for other offices. See More about security privileges for additional information on the relationships between various security privileges.


  • Staff Levels
  • Standard Text

If you encounter an SQL Server error with several “invalid column name” messages when you attempt to print a report, you may need to clear any applied filters before selecting the report.

To do this, hold down the SHIFT key as you select the report.

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