Adding a task template

  1. Open the Project Template setup screen (Setup > Templates > Projects).
  2. In the Project Templates screen, click the Add button to create a new project template, or the Edit button to update a project template.
  3. On the Tasks tab, click the Add button.

    Note: Some items in the drop-down lists in this dialog come from entries you have made via the Setup menu (for example, Setup > Tracking Descriptions). If you have security privileges, you can also right-click in these drop-down lists to add, edit, or delete items from the list.

  4. Identification:
    • Order: The default order number is 1 for the first task that you add to a project. For each additional task, the application assigns the next available number. However, you can enter a duplicate order number, if necessary.

      Note: For tasks that are concurrent, you may want to use duplicate order numbers. When the preceding task is completed, notifications will be sent that both concurrent tasks are ready if you have set up notifications at the Firm level. Both of those tasks must be completed before a notification is sent that the next task is ready.

    • Activity: Select the activity for the current task.
  5. Task information: In the Tracking description field, select a tracking description from the drop-down list. If you have security privileges, you can right-click to add or edit a tracking description.
  6. Budget information: Enter the task budget information in the Hours and/or Amount fields, or click the Down arrow Down arrow button and use the drop-down calculator to enter the numbers. If you want the budget information to calculate automatically based on the staff rate of the assigned staff member, mark the Calculate amount automatically checkbox.
  7. Target dates:
    • Start: To specify the project’s target start date, complete the month(s) and/or day(s) fields, and then select Before due date or After received date from the drop-down list.
    • Complete: To specify the target completion date, complete the month(s) and/or day(s) fields, and then select Before due date or After received date from the drop-down list.
  8. Assigned: Click the More Ellipse button next to the Staff field to assign the task to a specific staff member, or click the Down arrow Down arrow button to assign a staff member dynamically based on their role (for example, Client’s Partner, or Engagement’s Biller).

    If you are licensed for the Staff Management module, you can also:
    • manually assign staff to the task based on their qualifications. Click the More Ellipse button next to the Staff qualifications field and create a filter to specify which qualifications the assigned staff member must possess to work on the task.
    • automatically assign staff to the task based on a work queue. When you click the Work queue option, the task will be placed in a queue that appears in the Work Queue portlet of the Staff Dashboard only for those staff who meet the qualifications.
  9. Solution:
    • Select solution: From the drop-down list, select the solution needed to complete the task.
    • Solution path or File path: Click the More Ellipse button to navigate to the solution’s shortcut.
  10. Notes: Enter an optional comment in the text box.
  11. Click the Links tab if you want to add links to files, websites, or documents outside of Digita Practice Advanced, including documents stored in Digita FileCabinet.

    The links you add to a task template are added by default to all new tasks generated from that template.

  12. Use the Custom Fields tab to enter additional information for the task template. Custom fields can be checkboxes, dates, lists, numeric fields, staff lists, or text-entry fields. Custom fields for dates have a drop-down calendar. Numeric custom fields have a drop-down calculator. See Custom fields setup overview for more information on custom fields.
  13. Click OK to save the task.

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