Making manual adjustments to accruable benefit balances

If your firm is licensed for the Staff Management module and has set up administrative activities as accruable benefits, or has activated comp time for its staff, Digita Practice Advanced allows staff with security privileges for Staff Management to make manual adjustments to accruable benefit balances. For example, if you implement accruable benefits sometime during a benefit year, you would need to enter beginning balances for staff members.

Follow these steps to make manual adjustments to these balances.

  1. Choose Setup > Staff to open the Staff setup screen.
  2. Click the Benefits tab.
  3. Select a staff member and click the Edit button.
  4. Click the More Ellipse button for the benefit you want to adjust.

    Note: You can only make adjustments for benefits that have been activated for the staff member. To activate a benefit, mark the checkbox for it.

  5. In the Detail dialog that opens, enter the sheet date and date in the first open row using fields provided. Change the default dates if necessary.
  6. The Description field fills in Manual Adjustment automatically. This cannot be changed except for comp time adjustments:
    • Select Earned to add to the amount of comp time earned by the staff member
    • Select Used to subtract comp time used by the staff member
    • Select Manual Adjustment if you are making an adjustment unrelated to regular accrual or use of comp time
  7. In the Hours field, enter the amount of the adjustment. Enter a positive or negative number to be added to the existing balance.

    Note: For Used comp time adjustments, enter positive numbers. The hours will be subtracted from the balance.

  8. Click OK to save the adjustment.

    Note: Using the View field at the top of the dialog, you can filter to display all entries, current benefit year entries, or benefit-year-to-date entries

  9. Click Enter to save your changes.

Related topics

Setting up staff benefits

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