Allocating an adjustment to a different staff member

In Detail Billing, you can bill time and expense entries and then allocate adjustments on those billings to a staff member other than the one who originally made the entries. To allocate adjustments, follow these steps.

  1. On the Time & Expense tab of the Detail Billing screen, mark the checkbox for each adjusted billing entry that you want to reallocate.
  2. Right-click and choose Allocate Adjustment to a Different Staff from the context menu.

    Note: You could also right-click on the Summary tab of the Detail Billing screen and choose Allocate Adjustment to a Different Staff. This will allocate all adjustments for all entries to the selected staff member.

  3. In the Allocate Adjustment to a Different Staff dialog, select a staff ID from the drop-down list.
  4. Click OK.

The Detail Billing grid will reflect the allocated amounts. The Adjusted and Billed columns will show the allocated adjustment amount, and the WIP amount for the staff receiving the allocated adjustment will be 0.

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