Generating default invoice reference numbers

Use the Default Invoice Reference Number dialog to set up how Digita Practice Advanced generates reference numbers for invoices.

To open this dialog, click the Billing and A/R tab on the Firm setup screen, mark the Enable default invoice reference number checkbox, and then click the More Ellipse button.

You can construct these numbers using any combination of the following fields (along with optional separators):

  • Invoice Number
  • Associate ID
  • Due Date
  • Firm Year End Date
  • Invoice Count
  • Invoice Date
  • Invoice Office ID
  • Partner ID
  • Period End Date
  • Text
  • Today’s Date

Setting up reference numbers

To set up default reference numbers, follow these steps.

  1. Choose a field from the drop-down list in the next available row.
  2. For the Text, Invoice Count, and all date fields, select or enter secondary criteria.
    • Date fields: Choose the date format from the drop-down list
    • Text field: Enter the text in the field provided
    • Invoice Count field: Mark the appropriate checkbox(es)
  3. To add another field, click the button and return to the first step above. If you are finished adding fields, continue to the next step.
  4. If desired, use the drop-down list in the Separator Type field to select a separator that will appear between each field used in the reference number.

    Note: The Sample field provides a preview of a reference number using the criteria you have chosen.

  5. Click OK to return to the Billing and A/R tab, and click Enter to save your changes.

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