Accounts Receivable Applications report

The Accounts Receivable Applications report shows debits and credits that have been applied to invoices and when the applications occurred.

To view and print the Accounts Receivable Applications report, choose File > Print Reports. In the Print Reports screen, click Accounts Receivable Applications in the available reports pane and then click the Select button.

You can view the report from both a debit (invoices, service charges, debit memos) and a credit (cash, check, credit memos, write-offs) perspective. On the Layout tab, select either Debit items or Credit items from the Applied to drop-down list. The default for the report is Debit items.

Like many other Digita Practice Advanced reports, this report has drill-down capabilities. For example, when you click an invoice in the report preview, you will drill down to the Summary tab in Detail Billing. When you click a receipt or write-off, you will drill down to either the Receipts or the Adjustments tab in the Receipt & and Adjustment Entry screen.

This report includes the following information for the date range that you specify:

  • ID, Name/Description: ID and names of the items you have selected for grouping the report
  • Type: Type of A/R entry (invoice, service charge, receipt, debit memo, credit memo, write-off)

    Note: This report does not include Non-sufficient Funds or Credit Card Returns as the primary debit or credit.

  • Date: The date of the A/R application
  • Reference: Check number or other reference information entered in Receipt & Adjustment Entry
  • Debit: Amount for A/R entries of type invoice, service charge, or debit memo
  • Credit: Amount for A/R entries of type receipt, credit memo, and write-off
  • Applied: In Debit view, this column shows how much from the Credit column has been applied to the Debit column for an item on the report. In Credit view, this column shows the reverse - how much from the Debit column has been applied to the Credit column for the item.
  • Open: The open amount of the applied-to item (for example, when in Debit view, this is the open amount of the invoice; when in Credit view, this is the open amount of the receipt)

Important security note

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