Period Reconciliation report

The Period Reconciliation report is a summary of the firm’s activity for the selected date range. It includes work-in-process, billing, and accounts receivable information. You can use this report to tie totals from other detailed reports, such as the Accounts Receivable Summary, Work-in-Process Summary, Billing Summary, and Billing Analysis reports.

To view and print the Period Reconciliation report, choose File > Print Reports. In the Print Reports screen, click Period Reconciliation in the available reports pane and then click the Select button.

The Period Reconciliation report shows the following WIP, billing, A/R, and aging information for the selected date range.

Important security note

Work-in-Process Summary

  • Beginning Balance: Amount of unbilled time and expenses dated prior to the first day of the detail range
  • Current Time Produced: Amount of time entered
  • Current Expenses Produced: Amount of expenses entered
  • Total Current Produced: Amount of time and expenses entered
  • Current Time Billed (std): The standard amount of the time billed during the detail range that is also dated within the detail range
  • Aged Time Billed (std): The standard amount of the time billed during the detail range that is dated prior to the detail range
  • Current Expenses Billed (std): The standard amount of the expenses billed during the detail range that is also dated within the detail range
  • Aged Expenses Billed (std): The standard amount of the expenses billed during the detail range that is dated prior to the detail range
  • Time & Exp Billed (std): Total of current time billed (std) + aged time billed (std) + current expenses billed (std) + aged expenses billed (std)
  • Progress Billed: Amount of progress billings during the detail range
  • Total Billed: Total of time and expenses billed (std) + progress bills
  • Ending Balance: Total of beginning balance + total current produced less total billed

Billing Summary

  • Time Billed (std): The standard amount of the time billed in the detail range
  • Expenses Billed (std): The standard amount of the expenses billed in the detail range
  • Time & Exp Billed (std): Total of Total Billed (std) and Expenses Billed (std)
  • Time Write Up: Total of all positive billing adjustments on time in the detail range
  • Time Write Down: Total of all negative billing adjustments on expenses in the detail range
  • Expenses Write Up: Total of all positive billing adjustments on expenses in the detail range
  • Expenses Write Down: Total of all negative billing adjustments on expenses in the detail range
  • Total Billing Adjustments: Subtotal of all write-ups / write-downs
  • Time & Exp Billed Amount: Time & expense billed +/- total adjustments
  • Progress Billed: Total of progress billing in the detail range
  • Total Billed: Time & expense billed amount + progress billed amount
  • Surcharges: Total of all surcharges in range
  • Discounts: Total of all discounts in range
  • Sales Taxes: Total of all sales taxes in range
  • Service Taxes: Total of all service taxes in range
  • Total Invoiced: Total of Total Billed, Surcharges, Discounts, Sales Taxes, and Service Taxes

Accounts Receivable Summary

  • Beginning Balance: A/R balance on the day of the beginning of the report detail range
  • Invoices: Total invoiced amount of invoices with an invoice date in the report detail range
  • Receipts: Total receipts amount of receipts with a date in the report detail range
  • Credit Memos: Total credit memos within the report detail range
  • Write Offs: Total write-offs within the report detail range
  • Debit Memos: Total debit memos within the report detail range
  • Non-Sufficient Funds: Total non-sufficient fund entries within the report detail range
  • Credit Card Returns: Total credit card returns within the report detail range.
  • Service Charges: Total service charges assessed within the report date range
  • Ending Balance: Total of beginning balance + invoices - receipts - credit memos - write-offs + debit memos + non-sufficient fund entries + service charges

WIP Aging

These agings are based on the date of the open A/R items as of the end of the day on the last day of the report date range. The column headers show the date of the last day of the current period and the last day of one, two, and three periods ago.

  • First column: Open WIP dated in the current period
  • Second column: Open WIP dated the previous period
  • Third column: Open WIP dated two periods ago
  • Fourth column: Open WIP dated prior to two periods ago
  • Total: Total of the four aging columns

A/R Aging

These agings are based on the date of the open A/R items as of the end of the day on the last day of the report date range.

  • First column: Open A/R dated in the current period
  • Second column: Open A/R dated during the previous period
  • Third column: Open A/R dated two periods ago
  • Fourth column: Open A/R dated three periods ago or more
  • Total: Total of the four aging columns

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