Previewing a report

To preview reports prior to printing, follow these steps.

  1. Choose File > Print Reports.
  2. In the Print Reports screen, select a report or profile from the list of reports and click the Select button to move it to the Selected Reports list. Repeat as necessary to select additional reports.

    Note: You can also double-click reports and profiles in the list of reports to move them to the Selected Reports list.

    If you encounter an SQL Server error with several “invalid column name” messages when you attempt to print a report, you may need to clear any applied filters before selecting the report.

    To do this, hold down the SHIFT key as you select the report.

  3. Use the Report Options Selection and Layout tabs to customize the report’s output.
  4. Click the Preview Selected button.
  5. When you are finished previewing the report, click the Back button button to return to the Print Reports screen.

Note: The report preview is interactive. You can click various data within the preview window to trace the origins of that data all the way back to the relevant input screens. When you move your mouse pointer over data that is interactive, the pointer changes from an arrow to a hand. In addition, the report preview window has its own toolbar that you can use to work with the data in the preview.

Related topic: Preview screen overview

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