Custom formats field descriptions

This topic provides descriptions of selected fields in the Fields pane of the Custom Formats screen.

Custom Formula

Includes any custom formulas you have created and saved on any report that is based on the same standard report.



Items here are from the Selection tab of the Report Options on the Print Reports screen.


Items here are from the Layout tab of the Report Options on the Print Reports screen.


24 Period History

These fields are currently used on the Billing Worksheet’s 24-period History section: Adjusted, Collected, Invoiced, Produced. For each field the following options are available:
  • First period — Use this field in the first column.
  • First subtotal — This is the subtotal of periods 0 – 11.
  • Inner Period — Will be used for periods 1 – 23. You need to edit the number in ( ) to be the appropriate period number for the column you are adding.
  • Last Subtotal — This is the subtotal of periods 11 – 23.


  • All Adjustments — Total of all A/R Activity that are Adjustments (CM, DM, WO, NSF, CCR) for the reports detail range
  • All Collections — Total of all A/R Activity that are considered Collections (CA, CHK, CC)
  • All Credits — Total of all A/R Activity that are Credits (CA, CHK, CC, CM, WO)
  • All Debits — Total of all A/R Activity that are Debits (NSF, DM, CCR)
  • All Receipts — Total of all A/R Activity that are Receipts (CA, CHK, CC)
  • Cash — Total of all A/R Activity that are CA
  • Credit Card — Total of all A/R Activity that are CC
  • Credit Card Return — Total of all A/R Activity that are CCR
  • Credit Memo — Total of all A/R Activity that are CM
  • Debit Memo — Total of all A/R Activity that are DM
  • Invoice — Total of all A/R Activity that are INV
  • Non-Sufficient Fund — Total of all A/R Activity that are NSF
  • Service Charge — Total of all A/R Activity that are SC
  • Write Off — Total of all A/R Activity that are WO

These fields are used on the A/R Summary, the Billing Worksheet, and the Period Reconciliation.

  • Ending Balance
  • First Period
  • Inner Period — use this formula for all aging columns but the first, last, and ending balance. You need to replace the number in the ( ) to be the appropriate number of the column you are placing it in.
  • Last Period

These fields are used on the Collection Summary report.

  • Applied Count — The total number of applications on CA, CHK & CC entries for the client for the detail range of the report
  • Applied Debit Memo — Amount that is applied to DM
  • Applied Invoice Amount — Amount that is applied to invoices
  • Applied Service Charge Amount — Amount that is applied to service charges
  • Collected Day count — Number of days between invoice/dm/s/c date and date of CA, CC, CHK that is applied to it
  • Collected Amount — Total collected amount
  • Unapplied amount — Total amount left unapplied

This formula will pull the last A/R entry amount (regardless of type). If you want the last invoice entry amount, edit the formula to change ALL to INV, or to REC for receipt.

This formula will pull the last A/R entry date (regardless of type). If you want the last invoice entry date, edit the formula to change ALL to INV, or to REC for receipt.

The amount the client is past due that will cause a service charge to calculate.

Assess Service Charge

Returns true or false — whether the client is set to assess service charges or not.

Associate Staff

All staff fields for the staff member specified as the client’s associate.


Used on Period Reconciliation and Client Investment Analysis reports.


  • Adjusted — Total billing adjustments
  • Adjusted Expense Credit — Expenses Write Down
  • Adjusted Expense Debit — Expenses Write Up
  • Adjusted Time Credit — Time Write Down
  • Adjusted Time Debit — Time Write Up
  • Aged Billed Expense — Expense entries dated prior to report detail range but billed in detail range
  • Aged Billed Time — Time entries dated prior to report detail range but billed in detail range
  • Billed — Total WIP amount (std) Billed in detail range
  • Current Billed Expense — Expense entries dated within report detail range and billed in detail range
  • Current Billed Time — Time entries dated within report detail range and billed in detail range
  • Discount
  • Standard Billed — Time & Exp Billed (std)
  • Standard Billed Expense — Expenses Billed (std)
  • Standard Time Expense — Time Billed (std)

Production And Billing Posted

A/R Entry

"Live" amounts are independent of posted state.

"Open" = unapplied

"Closed" = applied

  • Live closed amount - sum of the applied amount where applied date is less than report ’to’ date
  • Live open amount - amount - live closed amount, where the entry date is less than report ’to’ date
  • Normal amount = amount * normal sign
  • Normal Posted Closed Amount = posted closed amount * normal sign
  • Normal Posted Open Amount = posted open amount * normal sign
  • Normal sign = 1.00 for debit items, -1.00 for credit items
  • Posted open amount = posted amount - live closed amount, where the entry date is less than the report ’to’ date

Time/Expense Entry

"Live" amounts are independent of posted state

"Open" = unbilled

"Closed" = billed

  • Live closed amount = bill_amount - adjustment, where invoice date is < report ’to’ date
  • Live open amount = amount - live_closed_amount, where entry date is < report ’to’ date
  • Period closed Amount = posted bill_amount - adjustment where invoice date is within the report date range
  • Period open Amount = amount - period closed amount, where invoice date is within the report date range
  • Posted Closed amount = posted bill_amount - adjustment, where invoice date is < report ’to’ date
  • Posted Open amount - posted amount - posted_closed_amount, where entry date is < report ’to’ date

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