Creating custom formats

Digita Practice Advanced enables you to create new reports, invoices, statements, letters, and labels based on the standard formats that come with the application. You can use the tools available on the Custom Formats screen to tailor these formats to your firm’s needs.

Adding a new format

To create a new custom format, follow these steps.

  1. Open the Custom Formats setup screen by choosing Setup > Custom Formats.
  2. Add a new format by doing one of the following:
    • Click the Add Document Document with green plus button on the toolbar and choose the command corresponding to the type of format you want to add (i.e., invoice, statement, report, label / letter).
    • Right-click in the Custom Formats list, and from the context menu choose the Add command for the type of format you want to create.
    After you add the new format, the Format Wizard opens automatically.

Note: You can also add a custom format by copying an existing format and then editing it.

Using the Format Wizard

To create custom formats, first use the Format Wizard to enter a name for the new format. You will then need to select additional information, depending on the type of format you are creating.

For specific information on using the Format Wizard for the type of custom format you are adding, click the appropriate link below.

Use the tabs or Next and Back buttons to navigate through the Format Wizard. When you are finished making selections on all tabs, click Finish to exit the Format Wizard and proceed to the designer screen.

For information on using the designer screen, see Modifying custom formats.

Copying existing formats

Another way to create a new custom format is to copy an existing format. To create a copy of an existing custom format, follow these steps.

  1. Choose Setup > Custom Formats to open the Custom Formats screen.
  2. In the Custom Formats list, expand the folder for the type of format you want to create. The Custom Formats screen separates available formats into the following categories:
    • Invoices
    • Statements
    • Reports
    • Labels & Letters
    For reports, labels, and letters, you will also need to expand the appropriate subfolder.
  3. Select an existing format on which to base the new document that you want to create.
  4. Right-click the selected format and choose Copy Format from the context menu. A copy of the format appears in the list, with a number in parentheses after the name — for example, Invoice Format (2) — to indicate which copy it is.
  5. Right-click the copy of the format you just created and choose Edit from the context menu. The format is now open and available for editing.

    Note: You can change the name of the new format using the Format Wizard. Click the Magic wand button on the toolbar.

Related topics

Custom Formats overview

Modifying custom formats

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