Setting up security groups

Security groups enable you to assign appropriate security privileges to staff for working in Digita Practice Advanced. With security groups you can assign staff various levels of security privileges to the application and protect the application’s features.

From the Setup menu, choose Security Groups.

Note: This menu command is available only when the Enable Firm Security checkbox is marked in the Preferences tab of the Firm setup screen.

Adding a security group

To create a security group, do the following.

  1. Click the Add button.
  2. Enter a name for the group in the Description field.
  3. In the Privilege Selection pane, mark or clear the checkboxes next to the privileges you want to assign to the security group. See More about security privileges for additional information.
  4. When finished, click the Enter button.

The Security Groups selection list shows the names of all of the security groups that have been set up.

Note: If a staff member belongs to multiple security groups and there is a conflict for a security privilege, the staff will be granted the privilege. For example, if one assigned group allows a staff member Add privileges for Access Other Staff and the other group does not allow it, the staff member will be granted Add privileges.

Deleting a security group

  1. In the Security Groups selection list, click the group you want to delete.
  2. Click the Delete button.
    • If the group is not currently assigned to any staff members, the application will prompt you to confirm that you want to delete the group.
    • If the group is currently assigned to one or more staff members, the application will prompt you and will not allow you to delete the group.

Note: You cannot change or delete the Administrator security group. The Administrator group has all security privileges. All firms must assign at least one staff member to the Administrator group to ensure that all areas of the application can be accessed.

Related topics

Understanding multi-office security

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