Entering staff identification information

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Use the Main tab of the Staff screen to enter staff name, ID, and educational information, assign your staff to groupings, and set up default user preferences. You can also insert a staff photo.

Entering staff information

  1. From the Setup menu, choose Staff.
  2. In the Staff setup screen, click the Add button.
  3. In the Main tab, enter a unique alphanumeric ID and Description (required).

    Note: The ID will be saved as upper case regardless of how you enter it.

  4. Enter the employee’s full name in the First, Middle, and Last fields.
  5. Enter the employee’s social security number in the EIN/SSN field.
  6. In the Hired field, enter the employee’s hire date, or click the Down arrow Down arrow button and select the date from the calendar.
  7. Use the Left field to indicate when an employee has left the firm. If you enter a date in this field, the staff member will no longer be able to log in to the application and will be removed from the licensed TimeKeeper count. No new time entries can be entered for the staff member, though any existing WIP is still available for billing and will appear on relevant reports.
  8. In the Status field, select Active to give the staff the ability to enter time.

    Note: If you select Inactive, the staff member can still log in to the application and use all areas to which they have security privileges except entering their own time. This is useful in granting access to staff who do not typically work on client projects and therefore should not count toward your allotment of licensed TimeKeeper seats.

  9. Under CPA Information, select the appropriate dates from the drop-down calendars. If the staff member has a Certification #, enter it in the field provided.
  10. Under Groupings, select the staff member’s office, department, supervisor, and level from the drop-down lists. Groups are useful for categorizing staff for reporting and filtering purposes.

    Note: Items in these drop-down lists come from information entered in the Groupings dialog (Setup > Groupings). If you have security privileges to edit Groupings, you can quickly edit a list by right-clicking in the field and choosing Add, Edit, or Delete from the context menu.

  11. Click the More Ellipse button to open the User Preferences dialog and select the staff member’s user preferences.

    Note: Staff with security privileges can later change their individual user preferences if they want. Staff can also revert to the firm-specified defaults any time by clicking the Reset to new Staff defaults for Firm link at the bottom of the User Preferences dialog (available from Setup > User Preferences).

Inserting a staff photo

  1. Click the graphic to the right of the ID and Sort fields.
  2. In the Insert Image dialog, click the Insert button.
  3. Navigate to the image you want to insert.

    Note: If you’re running Digita Practice Advanced through Digita Virtual Office, you can navigate to files on your local network.

  4. Click the image, and then click the Open button.

    Note: You can only select image files.

  5. Click the Save button to save your changes.

    Note: If the photo won't save, try uploading a smaller image file.

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