Setting up staff skill sets

Use the Skill Set tab of the Staff setup screen to describe a staff member’s proficiency with various types of work performed by your firm. Defining skills sets will help you assign work items to the staff members who are best qualified to perform them.

Note: The Skill Set tab is available only if your firm is licensed for the Staff Management module.

Before setting up staff skill sets, you must first set up staff skill areas and staff skill ratings.

Defining a staff skill set

To define a skill set for a member of your staff, follow these steps.

  1. Choose Setup > Staff to open the Staff setup screen.
  2. Click the Skill Set tab.
  3. Select the staff member from the Staff list.
  4. Click the Edit button to edit the staff record.
  5. In the Area column, select a skill area from the drop-down list.
  6. In the Rating column, select a skill rating from the drop-down list.
  7. Continue until you have applied ratings for all applicable skill areas.
  8. Click Enter to save your changes to the staff record.

Modifying a staff skill set

From time to time you will likely want to change the skill ratings for staff as they gain experience and expertise. Follow these steps to modify skill sets.

  1. Open the Skill Set tab of the Staff setup screen.
  2. Select the staff member from the Staff list.
  3. Click the Edit button to edit the staff record.
  4. In the Rating column for the appropriate skill area, choose a different skill rating from the drop-down list.
  5. Click Enter to save your changes.

You can also add new skill areas as the nature of your firm’s work evolves.

Related topics

Setting up staff

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